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Main » 2011 » June » 15
     If you search the Internet for the exact definition of the word ‘Technopreneurship,’ you would be surprised to find out that there is really no exact definition of it. Its meaning always depends on how one uses it in relation to the subject.
     By using Merriam-Webster’s definition of Technopreneur as "an entrepreneur involved with high technology,” we can say that VMobile Technologies’ multitude of members are Technopreneurs themselves who are pioneers of LoadXtreme— a technopreneurship program designed to change people’s lives by empowering them with opportunities anchored on the use of modern technology.
     Since 2004, LoadXtreme has made significant changes in how mob ... Read more »
Views: 597 | Added by: jhuneix75 | Date: 2011-06-15

«  June 2011  »
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