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The Perks and Privileges of Being a
VMobile Technopreneur
* Personal Lifetime Discount - As a Technopreneur, you will be given a LIFETIME DICOUNT on your prepaid loads (any Network in the Phil - Globe, Smart, Sun, TNT, Red Mobile) and other prepaid needs (Internet, Online Games, Prepaid Landline, Sky Cable, Dream Satellite, etc.)
* Convenience - No need to waste your time reloading. You don't need to go to the retail outlets or to the store to reload!!! All you need to do is to reach for your cellphone or go online to load yourself and your family!
* Opportunity to earn Unlimited Income- with vmobile's business program, you'll be able to earn UNLIMITED INCOME by simply sharing the business to others.

1. Personal Lifetime Discount on Loads.
Savings of 10-14% to More Than 300 Prepaid Products.

Sample Computation:

If you can consume Php 1,000 worth of Loads per Day. (For personal use and you also share loads (Pasa-Load) for your family, relatives, neighbors, workmates, classmates, etc.)

Php 1,000 x 30 days = Php 30,000

Get the 10%. That will be: Php 3,000 per month savings.


FIRST OPTION         : VMobile Office (real-time crediting)
SECOND  OPTION   : Technopreneur to Technopreneur Transfers (real-time crediting)
LAST OPTION           : Bank Deposit to VMobile Accounts - BDO, BPI, Metrobank, Unionbank
                            (e-wallet fund will be credited the next banking day)

2. Access Card Sign Up.

This is the only business with very low investment that you can get the R.O.I (Return of Investment) in just 1 Day.

Each ACCESS CARD is worth P250, you can distribute it to your friends and family FOR FREE. Or if you want FAST ROI, you can sell each card for P250 each. P250 is not a bad investment for others for a lifetime discount on prepaid load!

3. Access Cards Override.

- Earn 1% from the sales/transactions of your Techno Users everytime they load themselves or their family.

Sample Computation:
*assuming your retailers are able to load P1,000 per day

P1,000 x 20 retailers = P20,000 per day
P20, 000 x 30 days = P600,000 per month
P600,000 x 1% = P6,000 as override commision!!!

Imagine earning extra P6000 per month without doing anything!!! 

Do you think your friends and relatives would also want to avail of these perks and priveleges?
Do you think they would also want to have the convenience and discount that being a Technopreneur offers?
Share the Vmobile Business to your friends and relatives and you will be rewarded!!!

1. Direct Sales Incentive (DSI)
- a Technopreneur can endorse/refer another Technopreneur and will receive a commission of Php 500 per referral. We are not "Recruiting" People, but rather we are "Sponsoring and Mentoring" to do the business right. You can refer or sponsor as many people as you can, because a Technopreneur is entitled to Unlimited Referrals.

Though, we are allowed to invite as many people as we can, the company had designed a "System" that leave us no choice but to help other people first, before we can earn BIG.

We are only given 2 Teams: A and B. We need to find 2 People/Friends that are willing to be trained to occupy the A Name Slot and the B Name Slot. They will become your Team Leaders. After your A and B Name Slot is already occupied and you still have a 3rd and 4th Friend that are also interested to become Technopreneurs, you have no choice but to place them either in the Team A or B of the 1st and 2nd Friend

For Every Friend/Person you Sponsored, you will be given P500 as your incentive.

2. Team Sales Bonus (TSB)

- the Mechanics for the TSB is very simple.When the system (computer) detects New Names falling in your Team A and Team B, got paired or matched (ratio of 1:1), you will receive a BONUS of P500.

How does it work?

You got registered in the System. You will now form your Team A and B. You endorsed your Friend 1, placed him/her in your Team A. (You got Php 500 as DSI.) You endorsed Friend 2, place him/her in your Team B. (You got another Php 500 as DSI). Friend 1 fell in your Team A, while Friend 2 fell in your Team B. That is a match. So you will earn another Php 500 for the TSB.

Your Team A and Team B are already occupied, but you endorsed Friend 3. You have no choice but to place him/her on either Team A or B of Friend 1. Supposing you placed him/her on Friend's 1 Team B. You got Php 500 as DSI. You endorsed Friend 4 and place him/her on the Team B of Friend 2. You got Php 500 as DSI. Friend 3 and 4 fell on your Team A and B, you will get another Php 500 as TSB.

Now here is the best part: What if Friend 3 had endorsed Friend X. Now, Friend 3 will have Php 500 for the DSI. Then, Friend 4 had endorsed Friend Y. Friend 4 will have Php 500 as his/her DSI. You did not endorsed Friend X and Y, so you will not have DSI this time. But, did they fall on your Team A and B? Yes, they did. With that, you will receive Php 500 for the TSB.

You don't need a triangle or a binary system to get the Team sales bonus.

Just get a match from Team A and Team B to get the Teams sales bonus!
Imagine you mentored/trained your Team Leaders of Team A and Team B so very well, and their downlines did the same... and so on with the other downlines. They keep on endorsing/sponsoring people. Is it possible that in a day, there will be 100 Names falling in your Team A and 100 Names falling in your Team B? That is 100 Matches/Pairs in just one day. If you compute that Php 500, you can earn Php 50,000 in just one day.

But to ensure that VMobile will not overpay and maintain its stability, the company had set a Limit which they called: SAFETY NET. This is also to ensure that all Technopreneurs will have an equal income opportunity.

You may ask: "Is it really possible to earn Php 900,000/month?"

You can Expand Your VMobile Business Nationwide, as long as there is a signal and people that uses Cellphones and Prepaids.
Millions of Filipinos can be found all over the world. They are also our target markets. They too needs Savings from all the Load/Prepaid Expenses. They too, needs Extra Income.


VMobile had conducted a Feasibility Study just to prove if it is really feasible or possible for a Technopreneur to earn or reach the Php 900,000/month maximum income limit.

The said Feasibility Study was set in a Worst-Case Scenario. Meaning, this can be the worst or unluckiest result when you join VMobile.

VMobile had SET these 4 CONDITIONS:

1. You just STARTED NOW.
3. You pass your Misfortune to All your Sales Force.
4. You SAVE your INCOME within the 7 Months Period.


    To help you understand the table above, the 1st Column are the Months from January to December. 2nd Column is your Team A. 3rd Column will be your earnings, both DSI and TSB. 4th Column is your Team B. And 5th Column will be your Savings from your Earnings on the 3rd Column.

     The Scenario said that you are only to endorse 2 people. So you place the 1st Friend to your Team A and the 2nd Friend to Team B. Because your referred them, you will earn Php 500 each for the Direct Sales Incentive. You got Php1,000. And because 1st Friend fell on the Team A and the 2nd Friend fell on the Team B, you also earn another Php 500 for the Team Sales Bonus, that makes your Total Earning in your 1st Month: Php1,500. And you save it to your ATM Account. Then as we follow the Scenario, you stopped and forgot about VMobile, but you reminded the 1st Two to get also 2 each and then stop. And the cycle continues up to the 7 Month. Notice your Total Earnings at the 5th Column. You Earned Php 64,500 in 7 Months as being told earlier.

     Fast forward to the 12 Month (December). You already have 2,048 names in your Team A and 2,048 names on your Team B. Those are 2,048 Pairs/Matches. So let's get the TSB: 2,048 x Php500 = Php1,024,000.

      Bad News! You won't get that. Remember the Safety Net? The company will only pay you Php900,000. The remaining will go back to VMobile.

What is your Total Earnings in 1 year based on the worst-case scenario: Php 1,924,000!!! And that is the GOOD NEWS!!!


     What if you were able to endorse 4 persons and they did the same. Based on this Scenario, instead of 2, you endorsed 4 persons/friends, then quit. Then those 4 did the same, endorsed 4 persons for each of them, then quit too. Then the cycle goes on and on, till the 7th month.

Notice the 6th Month (June), you have 2048 names in your Team A and in your Team B. Let's get the Team Sales Bonus (TSB):

2048 x Php500 = Php1,024,000.

But because of the Safety Net, you will only get Php900,000 for that month.

Please see what happened on the 7th Month. Your 2048 people on Team A and 2048 on your Team B had referred 4 persons each, so you already have 8,192 on your Team A and 8,912 on your Team B. Now let's compute your TSB:

8192 x Php500 = Php4,096,000.

But then again, because of the Safety Net, you will only get Php900,000 for that month.

What about your earnings on the 5th Column: Php2,143,000.

And you only invested Php3,988.

Even if you put your Php3988 in the bank with 1% annual interest, it cannot earn Php2M but only Php39.88 per year.

The Safety Net of Php900,000 a month only applies to a single account or the Fast Track Package. If you want to increase the said limit. Why not, instead of availing only 1 Account, buy yourself 3 Accounts or 3D Fast Track Package or the Tri-Pack. 3 Accounts means your Safety Net also increases times 3 or Php900,000 x 3 or Php2.7M a month!

You want more?
You can buy 5 Accounts or 7 Accounts!!!

     Aside from increasing the Safety Net, if you buy or avail Tri-Pack with the investment of Php11,964 one-time payment, you will get not only 60 Access Cards (20 Access Cards per Package), but with plus 20 Access Cards. So that's a total of 80 Access Cards.


80 Access Cards x Php250 = Php20,000

You invested only Php11,964.

How Does 3D Fast Track Work?

1. Avail of 3 Accounts that would be encoded under your name.

The first account is your primary account, the second account will be encoded in the Blue Name Slot directly connected to you and the third account will be encoded in the Red Name Slot directly connected to you also.

Upon signing this up, you get P1,000 endorsement fee (P500 x 2) and additional P500 as bonus since your second and third account is in your Blue and Red General Name Slots.

Invest P11,964 and earn P1,500 immediately!

2. Endorse the business to your friends. For every sign up, encode them to the respective blue/red name slots of your second and third account. Take note that it would be beneficial for all our business partners if we would sign up with the 3D Fast Track Package since it is designed to maximize our investment and income as well!!!

Let’s say that four of your friends became our business partners, let’s compute your income:

that would be P500 endorsement fee for you times four! Amounting to P2,000.

And then, let’s add your Bonus, P500 for the new accounts encoded in the Blue and Red Name Slots of your second account,

P500 for the new accounts encoded in the Blue and Red Name Slots of your third account.

And additional P1,500 bonus for your primary account since there are 3 new pairs of accountss encoded in its Blue and Red General Name Slots.

Signing up as our Technopreneur is the
best decision you will ever make!!!

Contact us so we may be able to
explain and to assist you further.

VMobile's Commitment:

"We don't just Offer Lifetime Discounts on Loads...
We Change and Empower People's Lives."


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